Our Services

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What are
Carbon Credits ?

Carbon credits are generated from projects around the world that pull Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) out of the atmosphere or keep emissions from being released. Each time a project verifies they have reduced, avoided, or destroyed one metric tonne of GHG, one carbon credit is created.

We develop and implement comprehensive emission reduction projects to ensure that your climate funds have the most impact in accelerating the transition to a world with zero emissions.

What are
Plastic Credits ?

Plastic credits are quantifiable, verifiable, and transferable units that signify a certain amount of plastic that has been collected or recovered from the environment.

Plastic Credits are an innovative market mechanism that provides a long-term source of revenue for low-income populations in developing nations who collect, recover, and recycle plastic waste.

Similar to Carbon Credit, Plastic Credit is sold to companies that’s unable to totally reduce their plastic emission to zero or aim to reach a plastic neutral condition.

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What are
Nature Based Solutions?

Nature-based climate solutions utilise nature’s capacity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions while simultaneously providing human well-being and biodiversity benefits. They are win-win situations in which ecosystems are protected, restored, and managed sustainably to meet society’s current challenges of Climate Change.

We’re working to establish science-based recommendations for the most effective interventions, partnering with projects that develop and support them, and mobilizing climate funds for such initiatives that harness nature-based solutions in developing nations.

Agriculture Land Management

  • The project involves the low GHG emission and high yield by implementing different organic methods in the agricultural field
  • The project area is mainly farming land with low yield and farmers struggling financially to implement better technologies.
  • The project is planned to cover Pan India, starting from Haryana.

Afforestation Project

  • The Plantation cover all over the world is decreasing due to climatic change and human intervention. The project involves the plantation on degraded/fallow land resulting in improved canopy cover.
  • The plantation will enhance the micro climatic condition and provide a better livelihood to the community.
  • The project has been started in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, and will soon cover the entire India.

Water management in Rice cultivation

  • The Plantation cover all over the world is decreasing due to climatic change and human intervention. The project involves the plantation on degraded/fallow land resulting in improved canopy cover.
  • The plantation will enhance the micro climatic condition and provide a better livelihood to the community.
  • The project has been started in Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra, and will soon cover the entire India.